Scientists offer designer 'big atoms' on demand

In the not-so-distant future, researchers may be able to build atoms to your specifications with the click of a button. It's still the stuff of science fiction, but a team at the University of Colorado Boulder reports that ...

Magic number colloidal clusters

Complexity in nature often results from self-assembly, and is considered particularly robust. Compact clusters of elemental particles can be shown to be of practical relevance, and are found in atomic nuclei, nanoparticles ...

Researchers 3-D print colloidal crystals

MIT engineers have united the principles of self-assembly and 3-D printing using a new technique, which they highlight today in the journal Advanced Materials.

Cell-sized robots can sense their environment

Researchers at MIT have created what may be the smallest robots yet that can sense their environment, store data, and even carry out computational tasks. These devices, which are about the size of a human egg cell, consist ...

Simulations document self-assembly of proteins and DNA

What makes particles self-assemble into complex biological structures? Often, this phenomenon is due to the competition between forces of attraction and repulsion, produced by electric charges in various sections of the particles. ...

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