Job ads with wide pay ranges can deter applicants

As more states require employers to list compensation on job ads, a trending strategy to use very wide pay ranges could potentially harm recruitment, according to a Washington State University study.

Study: The bold, not the capable, make the most of big cities

Big cities may offer the best jobs, the most compelling experiences, and the most exciting opportunities. But there is a cost: With higher housing and living costs, cities are only affordable by those able to secure the best ...

Paternal incarceration complicates college plans for Black youth

Most Gen Z young people are characterized as ambitious and forward-thinking, believing all things are possible. But what if you are a teen whose father is, or has been, in prison? How does that affect your outlook on life? ...

What makes someone likely to be a first-gen college grad? Money.

A new study finds that first-generation college graduates are more likely to come from families that have higher incomes and more resources than families in which neither parents nor children graduate from college. The study ...

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