How moms are taking the lead in shaping children's education

A new global study, which takes a gender-sensitive approach, has found that a mother's educational status plays an increasingly important role in shaping their children's educational status, while the importance of the father's ...

Japan launches H3 rocket, destroys it over 2nd-stage failure

Japan's space agency intentionally destroyed a new H3 rocket minutes after its launch Tuesday because the ignition failed for the second stage of the country's first new rocket series in more than two decades.

Researchers uncover the diversity of viroids and viroid-like agents

A team of researchers from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and collaborating academic research institutions have developed a computational pipeline to identify and better understand viroids and viroid-like covalently ...

Dutch flood memories unleash new climate fears

Seventy years after the worst natural disaster to strike the Netherlands, Chiem de Vos, seven at the time, still hears his neighbour's desperate cries of "My children are drowning!" ringing in his ears.

Development of the bony cap structure in digits across species

In the late 19th century, researchers discovered, in separate studies, that horses and humans have a small bone at the tip of their hoof and finger, respectively. Since then, research on the anatomical development of many ...

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