Imperial academic discusses his work on algae fuel factories

Dr Antonio Del Rio Chanona from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London is working on a new, rapid and cost effective way of creating biofuels. If successful his work may help sectors like the transport ...

Can we use solar energy to make fertilizer right on the farm?

Bread is often called the staff of life, but that label might be more accurately applied to nitrogen, the element that soil bacteria pluck from the atmosphere and chemically alter to help spur the growth of plants, which ...

How does oxygen get into a fuel cell?

In order for a fuel cell to work, it needs an oxidizing agent. TU Wien has now found a way to explain why oxygen does not always enter fuel cells effectively, rendering them unusable.

First atomic observation of synthetic fuel production

Synthetic fuel is cleaner than natural oil, but its production process is inefficient. Now, for the first time, physicists have directly observed the molecules produced in the chemical process. This paves the way for designing ...

Proton pinball on the catalyst

Thanks to a reaction that resembles a sort of proton pinball game, a thin layer of moisture on the surface of a catalysts can improve the efficiency of fuel cells, devices used to transform chemical energy (a fuel like hydrogen, ...

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