Newly created ultra-hard material rivals diamond

Scientists have solved a decades-long puzzle and unveiled a near unbreakable substance that could rival diamond as the hardest material on Earth. The research is published in the journal Advanced Materials.

Creating heat-tolerant, stable boron nitride nanotube fibers

A Rice University team led by professors Matteo Pasquali and Angel Martí has simplified handling of the highly valuable nanotubes to make them more suitable for large-scale applications, including aerospace, electronics ...

Nano-hybrid materials create magnetic effect

Developing novel materials from the atoms up goes faster when some of the trial and error is eliminated. A new Rice University and Montreal Polytechnic study aims to do that for graphene and boron nitride hybrids.

Surprising nanotubes: Some slippery, some sticky

Nanotubes—microscopic cylinders the shape of drinking straws, but just one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair—have been the subject of intensive research, with potential uses ranging from solar cells to chemical ...

New graphene-type material created

( —Scientists at the University of Liverpool have created a new material, related to graphene, which has the potential to improve transistors used in electronic devices.

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