Hepatitis virus-like particles as potential cancer treatment

UC Davis researchers have developed a way to use the empty shell of a Hepatitis E virus to carry vaccines or drugs into the body. The technique has been tested in rodents as a way to target breast cancer, and is available ...

Keeping cells in good shape

People often talk about how important it is to stay in shape, something humans usually can accomplish with exercise and a healthy diet, and other habits. But chances are, few of us ever think about the shape of our individual ...

Cancer decoy could attract, capture malignant cells

A small, implantable device that researchers are calling a cancer "super-attractor" could eventually give doctors earlier warnings of relapse in breast cancer patients and even slow the disease's spread to other organs.

Capturing cell growth in 3-D

Replicating how cancer and other cells interact in the body is somewhat difficult in the lab. Biologists generally culture one cell type in plastic plates, which doesn't represent the dynamic cell interactions within living ...

How cancer cells avoid shutdown

A mechanism beyond the level of gene regulation, which is often the underlying reason for changes in protein levels, does enable the strong accumulation of a tumour promoting protease in stressed cancer cells. The group of ...

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