Producing hydrogen from seawater

In her research on bone tissue engineering, Dr. Marta Cerruti has worked for years with graphene, a single sheet of carbon atoms with incredible properties—electrical conductivity and the ability to support tremendous weight. ...

Baleen whales hear through their bones

Understanding how baleen whales hear has posed a great mystery to marine mammal researchers. New research by San Diego State University biologist Ted W. Cranford and University of California, San Diego engineer Petr Krysl ...

Exploring Google Glass through eyes of early users

Geeks aren't the only people wearing Google Glass. Among the people testing Google Inc.'s wearable computer are teachers, dentists, doctors, hair stylists, architects, athletes and even a zookeeper.

How an objective audiometric test can become even more reliable

Not only can the human ear detect sounds, it can also generate them. If the ear hears the two upper tones of a major triad, it produces the fundamental of the chord which can then be measured. This phenomenon, called "otoacoustic ...