Stretching cells to learn more about them

A tool developed at EPFL can stretch and compress cells, mimicking what happens in the body. The aim: to study the role played by these mechanical forces in cases of cancer or lymphatic diseases.

How Lyme disease bacteria spread through the body

Researchers have developed a live-cell-imaging-based system that provides molecular and biomechanical insights into how Lyme disease bacteria latch onto and move along the inside surface of blood vessels to reach key destinations ...

New way out: Researchers show how stem cells exit bloodstream

Researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered that therapeutic stem cells exit the bloodstream in a different manner than was previously thought. This process, dubbed angiopellosis by the researchers, has ...

Image: Spheroids experiment aboard ISS

The Spheroids experiment is looking at how the cells that line our blood vessels react to living in space, by growing them aboard the International Space Station.

Busy spacecraft and experiment schedule on Space Station

With less than two months left aboard the International Space Station, ESA astronaut Tim Peake has been exceptionally busy with experiments and arriving spacecraft. Tonight, the third supply vessel for the space laboratory ...

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