Why are networks stable? Researchers solve a 50-year-old puzzle

A single species invades an ecosystem causing its collapse. A cyberattack on the power system causes a major breakdown. These types of events are always on our minds, yet they rarely result in such significant consequences. ...

Researchers shed new light on the motor of DNA replication

DNA replication is the process whereby cells make an exact copy of their DNA before cell division. A key part of the intricate DNA replication machinery is a molecular motor called CMG, which has the vital task of separating ...

Researchers find evolutionary support for induced defenses

Graduate student Reese Martin and his doctoral advisor, Ann Tate, assistant professor of biological sciences, used theoretical modeling to identify a potential relationship between genetic pleiotropy and the evolution of ...

Researchers warn of tick-borne disease babesiosis

"Tis the season for hiking now that spring has arrived and temperatures are on the upswing. But with hikes come insect bites and on the increase in North America is babesiosis, a malaria-like disease spread especially between ...

Insects have more complex immune systems than previously thought

Humans and other vertebrates (like mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians) have complex, multi-faceted immune systems that protect us from a constant barrage of bugs and other nasties. But what about insects and other ...

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