Battling the bedbug epidemic

"Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite" -- is becoming an impossible dream for millions of people as the world experiences a resurgence of an ancient scourge that is fostering human misery, financial burdens and the risk ...

Bedbug genetic study finds possible pesticide-resistance genes

Ohio State University entomologists have conducted the first genetic study of bedbugs, paving the road to the identification of potential genes associated with pesticide resistance and possible new control methods for the ...

Good luck not letting the bedbugs bite

For anyone hoping there's a quick, easy treatment for bedbugs in the near future, take note of the hesitation in Coby Schal's response.

Anti-aphrodisiac protects young bedbugs

Male bedbugs are known to be very unfussy when it comes to mating, mounting any well-fed bug they can see - regardless of age or gender. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Biology have discovered how immature ...

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