Coins show Herod built only part of Second Temple walls

Israeli archaeologists have uncovered ancient coins near the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City which challenge the assumption that all of the walls of the Second Temple were built by King Herod.

Tofu ingredient could revolutionise solar panel manufacture

( —The chemical used to make tofu and bath salts could also replace a highly toxic and expensive substance used to make solar cells, a University study published in the journal Nature has revealed.

Robots closer to performing bed baths (w/ Video)

( -- Cody, a robot built at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S., has been demonstrated initiating contact with a live person and cleaning their arm and leg using wiping motions. This leads the way ...

Revealing the secrets of chemical bath deposition

X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy is well known as a versatile and powerful technique for examining the microstructure of everything from crystalline solids to amorphous materials, even liquids. Its ...

Israeli archaeologists uncover Roman pool

While excavating the site for a planned new ritual bath for Jews in Jerusalem, Israeli archaeologists uncovered a pool belonging to the Roman legion that sacked the city nearly 2,000 years ago.

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