An easy way for dairy farmers to reduce their climate impact

Adding even a small amount of biochar—a charcoal-like material produced by burning organic matter—to a dairy's manure-composting process reduces methane emissions by 84%, a recent study by UC Merced researchers shows.

Studying ways to maximize environmental benefits of green algae

There's a special class of green algae that has the potential to revolutionize sustainability efforts. These so-called diatoms are abundant in nature and their structures could be used for environmentally friendly, high-value ...

Policy and farm management help China mitigate climate change

Production of animal protein in China has increased by 800% over the past 40 years, driven by population growth, urbanization and higher worker wages. However, the amount of climate-warming nitrous oxide released from animal ...

Biodegradable plastic blends offer new options for disposal

Imagine throwing your empty plastic water bottle into a household composting bin that breaks down the plastic and produces biogas to help power your home. Now, researchers have taken an early step toward this futuristic scenario ...

Microbes may help astronauts transform human waste into food

Human waste may one day be a valuable resource for astronauts on deep-space missions. Now, a Penn State research team has shown that it is possible to rapidly break down solid and liquid waste to grow food with a series of ...

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