Ozone-depleting CFCs hit record despite ban: Study

Their power to dissolve the ozone layer shielding Earth from the Sun prompted a worldwide ban, but scientists on Monday revealed that some human-made chlorofluorocarbons have reached record levels, boosting climate-changing ...

Revealing an overlooked source for marine cloud nuclei

Sea spray aerosols (SSAs) produced via bubble burst on the interface of atmosphere and ocean, are an important component in the Earth's climate system and constitute a major source of uncertainty in predicting future climate.

Classifying weather to tease out how aerosols influence storms

A new study used artificial intelligence to analyze 10 years of weather data collected over southeastern Texas to identify three major categories of weather patterns and the continuum of conditions between them. The study, ...

Fresh sea spray turns 'sour' after being airborne

Aerosols are everywhere. These tiny liquid or solid particles populate the atmosphere, emerging from natural and artificial sources like volcanoes and oceans, and fossil fuels and agriculture. Ranging in size from less than ...

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