Correcting COVID-19 misinformation

There has been serious discussion about COVID-19 misinfomation. That misinformation has most likely cost many people their lives, driven by messages from those with a hidden agenda to drive everyday people away from science-based ...

Extroverted? You may have better financial outcomes

You might think the way you approach money is based on financial advice or past experiences, but new research from the University of Georgia shows that your personality may have a big impact on financial decision making and ...

For engineers, asking for help at work is influenced by gender

In a study published in the Journal of Management in Engineering, we analyzed whether knowledge accessibility—defined as the time and effort that individuals spend seeking knowledge from their colleagues—is influenced ...

Dogs can tell when people are lying to them, study finds

A team of researchers at the University of Vienna has found that dogs can sometimes tell when people are lying to them. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the group describes experiments they ...

Social class still dictates graduate job trends

Policies that offer sustained support are needed to ensure people from lower socio-economic groups can reap the benefits associated with a degree, researchers say. Adequate grants, mentoring on campus and tailored career ...

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