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Social Sciences Mar 27, 2024

English dominates scientific research—here's how we can fix it, and why it matters

It is often remarked that Spanish should be more widely spoken or understood in the scientific community given its number of speakers around the world, a figure the Instituto Cervantes places at almost 600 million.

Earth Sciences Mar 26, 2024

How much difference can one degree of warming make?

A vicious cycle of warming temperatures and reduced snowpack in northern forests is more severe than climate models have shown and could lead to increased fire risk and permanent damage to ecosystems.

Social Sciences Mar 26, 2024

Research finds upsides for local governments that look to employ chatbots

Queensland University of Technology researchers have homed in on AI-powered chatbots in the local government sector to look at their benefits and risks, what they are used for and why, and how users view them.

Social Sciences Mar 26, 2024

Do food and drink preferences influence migration flows?

When people migrate, many factors play a role in their choice of destination: How well do you speak the new country's language? Do you already have family or a community there? Do the country's values and norms match your ...

Paleontology & Fossils Mar 26, 2024

In paleontology, correct names are keys to accurate study

When the skeletal remains of a giant ground sloth were first unearthed in 1796, the discovery marked one of the earliest paleontological finds in American history.

Social Sciences Mar 26, 2024

How nature can alter our sense of time

Do you ever get that feeling that there aren't enough hours in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything in. But then, you step outside into the countryside and suddenly everything ...

Quantum Physics Mar 25, 2024

Unlocking quantum computing power: Automated protocol design for quantum advantage

Imagine a world where complex calculations that currently take months for our best supercomputers to crack could be performed in a matter of minutes. Quantum computing is revolutionizing our digital world. In a research article ...

Social Sciences Mar 25, 2024

Why do identical informal businesses set up side by side? It's a survival tactic: Kenya study

The population on the African continent will have nearly doubled by 2050, according to UN projections. About 800 million more young Africans will enter the job market by then. Combine this forecast with the high youth unemployment ...

Economics & Business Mar 25, 2024

Industrialization is still vital to economic development but some countries are struggling to reap its benefits

Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the US, wrote a wealth of reports that served as building blocks for the country's economic system. In 1791, during his time as secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton published ...

Analytical Chemistry Mar 25, 2024

Rectifying AI's usage in the quest for thermoelectric materials

A team of researchers has used AI to identify a thermoelectric material with favorable values. The group was able to navigate AI's conventional pitfalls and big data challenges, offering a prime example of how AI can revolutionize ...

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