Search results for radar dish

Astronomy Feb 26, 2024

NASA's planetary radar images slowly spinning asteroid

During the close approach of 2008 OS7 with Earth on Feb. 2, the agency's Deep Space Network planetary radar gathered the first detailed images of the stadium-size asteroid.

Astronomy Feb 16, 2024

Can astronomers use radar to spot a cataclysmic asteroid?

How can humans protect the Earth from "devastating asteroid and comet impacts?" According to the National Academies and their 2023-2032 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey, ground-based astronomical radar systems ...

Astronomy Dec 4, 2023

Tracking undetectable space junk

Satellite and spacecraft operators may finally be able to detect small pieces of debris orbiting Earth using an approach proposed by researchers from the University of Michigan.

Space Exploration Oct 26, 2023

Space is getting crowded with satellites and space junk. How do we avoid collisions?

Reports this week suggest a near-collision between an Australian satellite and a suspected Chinese military satellite.

Astronomy Oct 24, 2023

Astrophysicists scan the galaxy for signs of life

The astrophysicists, from Trinity and the Breakthrough Listen team and Onsala Space Observatory in Sweden, are scanning the universe for "technosignatures" emanating from distant planets that would provide support for the ...

Plants & Animals Oct 16, 2023

Leap in the dark: On a mission to rescue the Caribbean's biggest frog

A rescue mission is under way in the Caribbean to save one of the world's largest—and rarest—frogs from extinction.

Space Exploration Aug 15, 2023

NASA's Europa probe gets a hotline to Earth

NASA's Europa Clipper is designed to seek out conditions suitable for life on an ice-covered moon of Jupiter. On Aug. 14, the spacecraft received a piece of hardware central to that quest: the massive dish-shaped high-gain ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 13, 2023

New research on phage φX174 sheds light on escape mechanism

In the age of COVID-19, the word "virus" stirs up thoughts of contagion, sickness, and even death. But what if there were a virus—a very tiny virus capable of replicating itself hundreds of times every half hour—that ...

Astronomy May 22, 2023

Astronomers want to build the next-generation Arecibo telescope

The Arecibo Telescope was an amazing tool for astronomers. Built in the early 1960s, it had a 1,000-foot-wide dish and was capable of both receiving and transmitting radio signals. It did radar mapping of near-Earth asteroids, ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 10, 2023

The perils of bacteria's secret weapons

Did you know that bacteria can hide their antimicrobial resistance? Much like storing military defense equipment without revealing it to the enemy, bacteria can mask their ability to resist antimicrobials. This hidden antimicrobial ...

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