Risk to small children from family dog often underestimated

Dog bites suffered by young children are often inflicted by the family dog. Such incidents frequently occur despite the presence of an adult. Even benign behaviours on the part of children, such as hugging the dog, can trigger ...

High food availability slows down cell aging

Hibernation has long been considered the secret behind the relatively long lifespan of the edible dormouse. However, a team of researchers from Vetmeduni Vienna has now shown for the first time that high food availability ...

Use of head partitions reduce stress in goats during feeding

Limited space allowance at the feeding place often leads to increased agonistic behaviour among goats. But social tension can be reduced by properly designing the feeding areas. Researchers from the Institute of Animal Husbandry ...

Rare fungus product reduces resistance to antibiotics

Microorganisms, among them fungi, are a natural and rich source of antibiotic compounds. A team from the Vetmeduni Vienna and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna succeeded for the first time in extracting ...

Female blue tits sing in the face of danger

Birdsong has long been associated with courtship or competitive behaviour. And males were often considered to be a more active singing partner than females. A team of researchers from the Vetmeduni Vienna now shows that female ...

Shy wild boars are sometimes better mothers

It has been known for years that personality traits of animals, such as aggressiveness, risk-taking, curiosity or sociality, may have far-reaching consequences for reproduction and survival. However, separating the effect ...

Origin of dromedary domestication discovered

Dromedaries have been used for transportation for over 3,000 years. But it was not known where they were first domesticated or which genetic structure was selected in the process. A team of researchers including Pamela Burger ...

Female frogs identify own offspring using inner GPS

The ability to recognize own offspring and provide preferential care is difficult for the poison frog Allobates femoralis. According to a study conducted by Vetmeduni Vienna, male and female frogs have different strategies ...

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