Revealing the hidden meaning in mass spectrometry images

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) worked with 20 laboratories across the globe to examine one of the most significant issues in Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS): the matrix effect. A new algorithm ...

Portable environmental chamber licensed to FOM technologies

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has developed a Portable Environmental Test Chamber, which allows the characterisation of electronic and optical components under precisely-controlled atmospheric conditions. The system ...

Reference biosensor developed for calibrating diagnostic devices

Researchers at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and the University of Tampere, Finland, have developed a novel reference biosensor to aid the development ...

New method provides direct SI traceability for sound pressure

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) - the UK's National Measurement Institute - have developed an optical method for remotely measuring sound pressure inside a fully anechoic chamber which is the first to ...

New insight into improving air quality measurements

Researchers from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and King's College London have identified a mechanism which is responsible for under-reporting of peak nitrogen dioxide concentrations at some air quality monitoring ...

Novel electrode boosts green hydrogen research

Scientists from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) have developed a novel reference electrode, and are working with hydrogen energy system manufacturer ITM Power to aid the development of hydrogen production technologies ...

Watching nanoscale assembly live

Ebola virus, Alzheimer's amyloid fibrils, tissue collagen scaffolds and cellular cytoskeleton are all filamentous structures that spontaneously assemble from individual proteins.

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