Pandemic music struck a darker chord, study finds

A new study examining the music people listened to during the pandemic has revealed a taste for more downbeat and darker music—in direct contrast to music recommended to raise the spirits.

Rare Australian parrot faces multi-virus threat

A critically endangered parrot, with a population numbering as few as 70 in the wild, could be at further risk after being found to carry a half-dozen previously undetected viruses.

Citizen scientists help discover new mantis species

James Cook University researcher Matthew Connors has discovered two new praying mantis species with the help of citizen scientists. The finds have been published in Zootaxa.

Northern bees at risk from insecticide

James Cook University scientists say a common tropical bee species is vulnerable to widely-used insecticides—which will decrease their heat tolerance at the same time as the climate is warming.

Plant pathogen threatens rare parrot

One of Australia's most endangered parrots is facing a new threat after being found to carry a destructive pathogen normally associated with several varieties of crops.

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