Tracking the migration adventures of Black-winged Monarchs

Black-winged Monarchs (Monarcha frater) are songbirds that live in the rainforests of New Guinea and northern Australia. They feed on insects and belong to the same bird family, Monarchidae, as flycatchers and magpie-larks.

Rare handfish spotted for first time in 25 years

Handfish are notoriously hard to find. These camera-shy creatures are coastal anglerfish with a narrow distribution in southeast Australia. There are 14 species, with seven endemic to Tasmania and the Bass Strait.

Four surprising proteins on the future menu

We're thinking more about the food on our plates, and where it comes from, these days. To cater to changing tastes and dietary preferences, menu options are being rewritten across Australia and the globe.

Alien invasive species in Australia

Since the break-up of Gondwana, Australia's biodiversity has evolved mostly in isolation from the rest of the world. Many of our species are unique to Australia.

Interesting facts about Southern right whales

During Australia's winter months, Southern right whales can be spotted off the coastline. These whales are traveling north to warmer waters to breed and calve, after spending the summer months feeding in sub-Antarctic waters.

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