New polymer releases molecular cargo in response to force

Caltech scientists have developed a new kind of polymer that can carry a chemical payload as part of its molecular structure and release it in response to mechanical stress. The chemical system they have developed could one ...

Algorithms seek out voter fraud

Concerns over voter fraud have surged in recent years, especially after federal officials reported that Russian hackers attempted to access voter records in the 2016 presidential election. Administrative voting errors have ...

Male and female mice have different brain cells

Caltech researchers have discovered rare brain cell types that are unique to male mice and other types that are unique to female mice. These sex-specific cells were found in a region of the brain that governs both aggression ...

Lessons from Ridgecrest earthquake sequence

The largest earthquake sequence in Southern California in two decades has taught scientists that large earthquakes can occur in a more complex fashion than commonly assumed. The sequence also loaded up strain on a nearby ...

Researchers advancing understanding of vital enzyme

Nitrogenases, the enzymes responsible for converting atmospheric nitrogen into the nitrogen-based compounds used by living things, have been a major focus of chemistry research for decades because of the pivotal role that ...

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