Scientists explain what happens when nanoparticles collide

Helmets that do a better job of preventing concussions and other brain injuries. Earphones that protect people from damaging noises. Devices that convert "junk" energy from airport runway vibrations into usable power.

How to cut your lawn for grasshoppers

Picture a grasshopper landing randomly on a lawn of fixed area. If it then jumps a certain distance in a random direction, what shape should the lawn be to maximise the chance that the grasshopper stays on the lawn after ...

Problem of wheeled suitcases wobbling explained

(—A team of researchers at Universite Paris-Diderot has uncovered the reason for wobbling of wheeled suitcases. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A, the group explains the physics behind ...

Shoe-string theory: Science shows why shoelaces come untied

A new study by mechanical engineers at UC Berkeley finally shows why your shoelaces may keep coming untied. It's a question that everyone asks, often after stopping to retie their shoes, yet one that nobody had investigated ...

To save your energy while strolling, walk this sway

When participants in a charity event took the first walk across the newly opened London Millennium Footbridge in 2000, their feet fell into sync, and the natural side-to-side motion of their steps caused the suspension bridge ...

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