Twisting Oreos shows creme filling sticks to one side

Imagine the perfect way to eat an Oreo. Perhaps you twist the top layer, separating the cookie into two parts, and then eat them one by one. Alternatively, you could dunk the treat into milk to soften it just the right amount. ...

Physics models better define what makes pasta 'al dente'

Achieving the perfect al dente texture for a pasta noodle can be tough. Noodles can take different times to fully cook, and different recipes call for different amounts of salt to be added. To boot, sometimes noodles will ...

Blowing bubbles in dough to bake perfect yeast-free pizza

In typical breads, yeast produces bubbles via a biochemical process, causing dough to rise and develop into light, airy, and tasty treats. Without that yeast, it is difficult to make morsels with the same characteristic taste ...

Research shows superior COVID protection from better face masks

New research from the University of Surrey and the University of Bristol has shown that FFP2 (filtering facepiece) respirator masks are five times more efficient at filtering particles that carry the COVID-19 virus than cloth ...

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