How climate change is destroying Arctic coasts

Global warming is causing permafrost in the Arctic to thaw and sea ice to melt. As a result, coasts are less protected and are being eroded, while carbon stored in the soil and carbon dioxide are being released into the ocean ...

Co-occurring droughts could threaten global food security

Droughts occurring at the same time across different regions of the planet could place an unprecedented strain on the global agricultural system and threaten the water security of millions of people, according to a new study ...

Experience of climate extremes increase Green voting in Europe

What role do experiences with climate change and extreme events play in shaping environmental attitudes and to what extent can they explain the recent rise in environmental concerns and willingness to vote for Green parties ...

How carbon labels can aid in the fight against climate change

Carbon labels can be effective in changing corporate as well as consumer behavior, as corporations adjust their carbon footprint with the dual goals of increased efficiency and improved reputation, according to newly published ...

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