Genomic secrets of gutless deep-sea tubeworm unlocked

Researchers from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) decoded for the first time the chromosomal-level genome of a deep-sea gutless tubeworm and how the worm's co-living bacterial partners manufacture ...

A feral past could help chart the future for Brassica vegetables

You might not envision plant scientists as the modern-day Indiana Jones of biology, but University of Missouri researchers have been hot on the hunt for an evolutionary history, looking for clues to the ancestors of our gardens ...

Researchers seek deeper understanding of how cells operate

Cells sense and respond to the mechanical properties of the cellular microenvironment in the body. Changes in these properties, which occur in a number of human pathologies, including cancer, can elicit abnormal responses ...

Molecular biologists travel back in time 3 billion years

A research group working at Uppsala University has succeeded in studying 'translation factors' – important components of a cell's protein synthesis machinery—that are several billion years old. By studying these ancient ...

Finding gene neighbors leads to new protein functions

Access to sequenced genomes was a watershed moment in life science research. Genome sequences spell out an organism's DNA, the genetic code for how the organism develops, reproduces, and functions. As new technologies have ...

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