Shedding light on photosynthesis

( -- Imagine being able to monitor protein expression levels in a cell as they change over time and in response to external stimuli. That is just what researchers did when they studied the photosynthetic blue-green ...

A rat's brain, on and off methamphetamine

Drug addiction is a vicious cycle of reward and withdrawal. Chronic users often relapse because of the unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms they experience when they stop taking the drug. Now, researchers report ...

Male bees fight back against STDs

Scientists at The University of Western Australia are a step closer to protecting honey bees from a widespread disease that causes dysentery and weakens hives considerably.

'Catcher of the rye' method detects rye gluten proteins in foods

Gluten-free diets have been trendy for several years now, with adherents claiming that avoiding grains that contain the substance helps with weight loss or improves general health. However, for people with celiac disease, ...

Antimicrobial substances identified in Komodo dragon blood

In a land where survival is precarious, Komodo dragons thrive despite being exposed to scads of bacteria that would kill less hardy creatures. Now in a study published in the Journal of Proteome Research, scientists report ...

Substances associated with bee ferocity reported

Brazilian researchers may have discovered why Africanized honeybees are so aggressive. The scientists detected higher levels of certain chemical substances in the brains of Africanized honeybees than in gentler strains of ...

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