Research team shows island bats are valuable allies for farmers

A new study has highlighted how bats can be valuable allies for farmers, by feeding on important agricultural pests. The findings demonstrate that encouraging bat species can be a win-win for both conservation efforts and ...

The role of TOR signaling in enhancing graft success and crop vigor

A research team has delved into the Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway in plant grafting, emphasizing its role in regulating seedling vigor, graft junction healing, and shoot-to-root communications. Exploring TOR's ...

Unraveling the unique role of DELLA proteins in grapevine flowering

The transition from vegetative to reproductive stages in plants involves both internal and external cues, with grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pixie) presenting a unique case. Research shows that a mutation in the grapevine's ...

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