
Asimov's robots live on twenty years after his death

Renowned author Isaac Asimov died 20 years ago today. Although he wrote more than 500 books, the robot stories he began writing at age 19 are possibly his greatest accomplishment. They have become the starting point for any ...

Experiment explores optics with iPad

As any other dutiful scientist, Dr. Weilin "Will" Hou, an oceanographer in the Oceanography Division at NRL Stennis Space Center (NRL-SSC), did his research. Earlier last summer, he decided the hottest tablet computer available ...

1981 climate change predictions were eerily accurate

A paper published in the journal Science in August 1981 made several projections regarding future climate change and anthropogenic global warming based on manmade CO2 emissions. As it turns out, the authors’  projections ...

Solar Dynamics Observatory goes for a spin

(Phys.org) -- On April 4, 2012, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) did a 360. It rolled completely around its axis – something it does twice a year. In this movie, the dizzying view looks as if the sun went for ...

Hyperspectral imaging: Shedding new light on wound healing

(Phys.org) -- Clinicians who treat severe wounds may soon have powerful new diagnostic tools in the form of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) devices, calibrated to new NIST standard reference spectra, which will provide unprecedented ...

A spiral galaxy in Hydra

(Phys.org) -- This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows NGC 4980, a spiral galaxy in the southern constellation of Hydra. The shape of NGC 4980 appears slightly deformed, something which is often a sign of ...

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