
Arctic development 'a new menace to polar bears'

Oil exploration and increased sea traffic in the Arctic are encroaching on polar bear habitat, adding to the existing climate change risk, representatives of Arctic nations said at a Moscow conference Wednesday.

Multiple mates worth the risk for female prairie dogs

Mating with more than one male increases reproductive success for female prairie dogs, despite an increase in risks. This is according to a new study published in The Journal of Mammalogy by behavioral ecologist John Hoogland, ...

Broadband in schools gets boost from tech gurus

The effort to get high-speed broadband in every school is getting a boost from the philanthropy of two technology gurus—Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates.

Turning waste into power with bacteria—and loofahs

Loofahs, best known for their use in exfoliating skin to soft, radiant perfection, have emerged as a new potential tool to advance sustainability efforts on two fronts at the same time: energy and waste. The study describes ...

Can iPads help students learn science? Yes.

The scale of the universe can be difficult to comprehend. Pretend you are going to make a scale model with a basketball representing the Earth and a tennis ball as the Moon. How far would you hold the tennis ball "Moon" from ...

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