
Astronomy star gets his due for discovering the Kuiper Belt

Dressed as usual in jeans and Velcro-secured sneakers, University of California, Los Angeles astronomer David Jewitt sat at his desk recently and feigned concern: What, exactly, does one wear when accepting gold medals from ...

Planet of the Apes: Furry mammals evolved a tuned spin dry

When a wet dog shakes himself dry, he does something amazing. He hits just the right rhythm to maximize the drying effect with minimal effort. The seemingly casual jiggle imparts enough centrifugal force to expel 70 percent ...

Hackers claim 12 million Apple IDs from FBI (Update 2)

A hacker group has claimed to have obtained personal data from 12 million Apple iPhone and iPad users by breaching an FBI computer, raising concerns about government tracking, but the FBI said it never had the data.

Amazon gets Epix video rights to challenge Netflix (Update)

(AP)—Amazon.com's Internet video library is gaining more box-office appeal under a licensing deal with Epix that threatens to undercut Netflix leadership in a growing market that's transforming the entertainment industry.

Birds far from angry in Cuban vet's sanctuary

A retired Cuban veterinarian has found a new direction rescuing rare birds, breeding parrots and peacocks, winning enough feathered-world fame to swap fowl with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.

Study throws cold water on Arctic oil, gas dreams

The Arctic, often presented as the promised land by oil companies, is likely to play only a marginal role in providing for the planet's future energy needs, a Norwegian study claimed Tuesday.

South Europe cities 'face 50 days above 35 degrees'

The European Environment Agency (EEA) on Tuesday unveiled an interactive map indicating the heatwave risk for European cities six decades from now on the basis of likely global warming trends.

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