
New Chem-bio Sensors Offer Simultaneous Monitoring

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Vienna University of Technology have developed a modular system that combines chemical and biological sensing tools capable of providing simultaneous, nano-level ...

Geophysicists image rock layers under Himalaya

New technique developed to visualize colliding rock bodies A team of geophysicists at the University of Colorado at Boulder has developed a new technique to visualize the colliding rock bodies beneath the Himalaya with unprecedented ...

Scientist refines cosmic clock to determine age of Milky Way

The University of Chicago's Nicolas Dauphas has developed a new way to calculate the age of the Milky Way that is free of the unvalidated assumptions that have plagued previous methods. Dauphas' method, which he reports in ...

Size matters: Friction, adhesion change on atomic level

Physicists have a pretty good idea of what to expect when friction and adhesion occur in the visible world. You jam on the brakes, for instance, and your tires and the highway interact to stop your car. You glue two pieces ...

New robots help patients walk, touch, feel

CHICAGO, June 29 (AFP) - A 500-pound (225-kilogram) robot that follows a stroke patient down a hallway and catches him when he falls. A machine that suspends a gunshot wound victim over a treadmill and teaches her legs how ...

NASA probe could reveal comet life, scientists claim

UK team say Deep Impact will reveal organic matter Cardiff (UK) scientists are playing a major role in a NASA mission, which they believe could reveal living matter in the icy layers beneath the surface of a comet. NASA's ...

Plasma experiment shows how astrophysical jets are formed

Applied physicists at the California Institute of Technology have devised a plasma experiment that shows how huge long, thin jets of material shoot out from exotic astrophysical objects such as young stars, black holes, and ...

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