
Men become the main target in the new gender wars

Women have battled for years against stereotypical and sexist portrayals in the mass media. However research shows that men are increasingly the target for negative press.

Complex order parameter in ruthenate superconductors confirmed

Since it was discovered to be superconducting over a decade ago, the pairing symmetry of strontium ruthenium oxide has been widely explored and debated. Now, a team of researchers led by Dale Van Harlingen at the University ...

Looking at the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Florida Coasts

Ivan was just one of four strong hurricanes to directly hit Florida coasts within a 1-month period in 2004. A new study has examined the poststorm impact and the short-term recovery from Ivan along a 200-km stretch of coast ...

Could Global Warming Be Crushing Blow to Crocodiles?

With global temperatures generally on the rise, crocodiles may have a harder time finding mates. For crocodiles, gender is not determined genetically, but rather by embryo temperature during incubation, notes Earthwatch-supported ...

Astronomers find first ever gamma ray clock

Astronomers using the H.E.S.S. telescopes have discovered the first ever modulated signal from space in Very High Energy Gamma Rays – the most energetic such signal ever observed.

Radiologists attempt to solve mystery of Tut's demise

Egyptian radiologists who performed the first-ever computed tomography (CT) evaluation of King Tutankhamun's mummy believe they have solved the mystery of how the ancient pharaoh died. The CT images and results of their study ...

Wheat gene may boost foods' nutrient content

Researchers at the University of California, Davis; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and the University of Haifa in Israel have cloned a gene from wild wheat that increases the protein, zinc and iron content in the grain, ...

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