
How to better allocate research money and fix a flawed system

Taxpayers want to know that their money is well spent on research. Yet funding agencies persist in trying to explain research results in terms of papers and publications rather than in terms of people – which is how the ...

Mixed genes mix up the migrations of hybrid birds

Mixed genes appear to drive hybrid birds to select more difficult routes than their parent species, according to new research from University of British Columbia zoologists.

Renewable energy is ready to supply all of Australia's electricity

In a recent article on The Conversation, University of Melbourne Professor Emeritus Frank Larkins wrote that Australia's targets to increase renewable energy will make electricity more expensive, thanks to problems with consistency ...

How fussy pandas maintain a balanced bamboo diet

(Phys.org) —Pandas are famously fussy eaters, but new research suggests there is method to their madness, with the animals switching between different species and parts of bamboo plants to maintain a balanced diet and reproduce.

Willingness-to-pay for monorail services in Penang, Malaysia

People who recycle, those with car park problems at work or who have used urban rail transport systems somewhere else are more willing to pay for monorail services in Penang, Malaysia, according to a study in the Pertanika ...

How to win a Tour de France sprint

The final dash to the line in a Tour de France sprint finish may appear to the bystander to be a mess of bodies trying to cram into the width of a road, but there is a high degree of strategy involved. It takes tactics, positioning ...

Antarctic lakes theory dries up

(Phys.org) —Antarctica is the driest continent on Earth, and always has been, with new research showing the previous "mega-lake theory" holds no water.

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