
New 1 Mbit and 2 Mbit FRAM products released by Fujitsu

Fujitsu Semiconductor today announced the development of two new FRAM products, MB85RS1MT and MB85RS2MT, which feature 1 Mbit and 2 Mbit of memory, respectively, making them the largest density serial-interface FRAM products ...

Collaboration puts natural gas on the road

DOE's Savannah River National Laboratory, in partnership with Ford Motor Company, the University of California-Berkeley, and BASF, has research underway to explore an innovative low-pressure material-based natural gas fuel ...

Reaching ambitious greenhouse gas concentration goals

Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that even though it is technically possible to reach ambitious goals to limit greenhouse gas concentrations by the end of the 21st century, the combined effects of ...

Researchers trap light, improve laser potential of MEH-PPV polymer

(Phys.org) —Researchers from North Carolina State University have come up with a low-cost way to enhance a polymer called MEH-PPV's ability to confine light, advancing efforts to use the material to convert electricity ...

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