
Harnessing the power of bacteria's sophisticated immune system

Bacteria's ability to destroy viruses has long puzzled scientists, but researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health say they now have a clear picture of the bacterial immune system and say its unique ...

Novel nanovehicle transports drug cocktail to target cancer

Combination therapies, or "drug cocktails," are part and parcel of modern anti-cancer treatments today. The more researchers learn about cancer and its surreptitiously lethal impact on the body, the more urgent the need to ...

Freeways as fences, trapping the mountain lions of Los Angeles

That mountain lions have managed to survive at all in the Santa Monica Mountains of California—in the vicinity of the megacity of Los Angeles—is a testament to the resilience of wildlife, but researchers studying these ...

Tissue development 'roadmap' created to guide stem cell medicine

In a boon to stem cell research and regenerative medicine, scientists at Boston Children's Hospital, the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Boston University have created a computer ...

Research gives further insight into graphene-based electronics

Imagine a tablet device as thin as a piece of paper, folded conveniently in your pocket. Or a 3D TV that wraps around the walls of an entire room in your home. With applications that are nothing short of science fiction, ...

Inside the cell, an ocean of buffeting waves

Conventional wisdom holds that the cytoplasm of mammalian cells is a viscous fluid, with organelles and proteins suspended within it, jiggling against one another and drifting at random. However, a new biophysical study led ...

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